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Things to do

There's lots of things to do on and around Cheynes Beach. You might need to stay awhile...

Bird Watching


If you are a serious birder, you will already know about birding at Cheynes Beach and Waychinicup National Park. We have the "Big 3 Skulkers" (Noisy Scrub-bird, Western Bristlebird and Western Whipbird), which can only be seen all together here at Cheynes Beach. We also have a number of other WA Endemics and all the birds are seen within a 2 minute walk of the Caravan Park. Cheynes Beach is a must see birding destination.

We can cater for tour groups.

Whale Watching


Cheynes Beach is the premier location for land based Whale watching, with the whales coming right into the bay to calve and very close to the rocks. On a calm day you can hear the whales tail slapping and blowing from the Caravan Park! Humpback Whales, Southern Right Whales & even Blue Whales!!

Not only do we have Whales, but Dolphins call the area home and are regularly seen surfing the waves of Cheynes Beach.

Boat, Rock or Beach Fishing


Cheynes Beach is the premier location in the area for Salmon fishing as we have 2wd access. Other fish to be caught here are: 



King George Whiting



Dhu fish


Breaksea Cod

Red Snapper






Flora & Fauna


Throughout Waychinicup National Park and around Cheynes Beach you will find magnificent rare flora, including rare orchids like the Granite Spider Orchid, the Queen of Sheba and the Albany Pitcher Plant.


There is an amazing amount of marsupials at Cheynes Beach. The Western Grey Kangaroo call the Caravan Park home and you can also see Pygmy Possum, Honey Possum, Bandicoot (Quenda) and more.

And lots more:


Waychincup National Park

Diving, including excellent shore entry


Surfing, extremely popular spots for the locals



Kite surfing

Safe swimming beach (AUS swim lessons over summer)


Bush walking


Rock climbing

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